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28 June 2016 at 5:54PM

A Human Approach at the Heart of our Practice!

Marie-Josée Paul
In: Helping relationship


From the very beginning, fostering a proactive, human approach has been at the heart of my practice. Being a hearing care professional involves much more than simply installing hearing aids. It also involves forging a helping relationship that must cater to every aspect of a patient's life.


Building a relationship of trust

Isolation, sadness, frustration, denial . . . Hearing loss can stir up myriad emotions. This is completely normal. That's not to say these emotions should not be addressed through a relationship built on trust. Turning the page on perfect hearing requires significant effort towards accepting the impairment and adapting your lifestyle. As with any kind of loss, there is a mourning process that does not happen overnight. Guidance is therefore a vital part of the services provided by hearing care professionals.


Taking time to listen

Taking time to listen to the patient's questions and concerns, as well as those of their loved ones whose lives have also been affected by the hearing impairment. Hearing care professionals must therefore open the discussions, provide explanations and offer solutions. Given the wide array of hearing aids available, it is essential to acquire a good understanding of the patient's needs, as well as their lifestyle. The goal is for the patient to see the device as a beneficial tool—a friend—perfectly adapted to their everyday life.


The importance of follow-up care

It takes time to become accustomed to a hearing aid. This is why it is so important to provide the patient with follow-up care, to encourage them and to let them in on all that is involved in wearing such a device. Follow-up visits allow the hearing care professional to analyze patient feedback and make any necessary adjustments. It is important to understand that accepting the hearing aid is a crucial step that requires special attention from the hearing care professionals in order to ensure optimal results. After all, our patient's quality of life is at stake!

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